以上標題大概是有玩免費domain name的人,在過去2.3天在網路上想知道的答案,之前很多人都有的co.cc就在前天的時候發現連不上去了,一開始我還以為是我的server name 指向有出問題,所以就想回co.cc的官網重新設定指向server的位址,結果沒想到連官網都進不去,經過兩天來的GOOGLE大神,出來的結果應該是co.cc倒了,雖然目前沒看到很官方的聲明,不過也是有可能的結果之一,只希望我看到的是空穴來風,以下是外國論壇的文章連結
many people who have domain name with co.cc might worried about the same issue since 3 days ago.At beginning,I thought it’s the problem with the domain name didn’t point to my name server,but I found that the real problem is,you can’t even browse the official website of co.cc,and I was trying to search the answer these few days,the result I found was “co.cc is terminated”.It’s not a official announcement but still may come true,I just hope it as a rumor.
hosting discusion
I have posted highlight from the website
“.co.cc have stopped anyone registering any new .co.cc domain names and they are in the process of closing down totally so any current .co.cc domains will stop working.”
co.cc 反正壞了..