It’s about 3 weeks passed since The Apple introducing their newest smartphone-iPhone5.Although there are many people disappoint about the final product looks as same as the photos we saw before,even the tech as well.But this can’t stop people who loving the newest version,especially showing on the amount of sale in the first week.Despite so far the problem on iPhone5 seems much more than previous version,but I think they will solve any problem in short time and make everyone willing to use their product as before.
這篇主要不是要說iPhone5怎麼樣的,所以就趕緊切入正題 ,也許很少人會想看keynote,但我認為偶爾看看是不錯的,除了可以直接看到產品最正規的DEMO,也可以學習別人在全球的眼球和期待下,如何向世人介紹他們最新的產品,如果產品不夠好,也可以學習怎麼吹牛(誤
This article(maybe I can call it as a article?) is not to tell how is iPhone5,that’s go to the topic,I know there is bit part of people who caring about the keynote,but we can learn many things through the keynote including how to introduce your product to worldwide in expect.
首先要看KEYNOTE必須要有APPLE ID,這樣就有最基本的條件可以觀看KEYNOTE了,再來就是,要有沙發呂(Safari),再用習慣GOOGLE的瀏覽器chrome之後,我實在是不太習慣用其他牌的瀏覽器,因為同步功能實在是可以省很多麻煩啦(當然很多人不太喜歡也認為不安全,總之自己注意就好了)
firstly,you should have APPLE ID to watch keynote on Apple’s official website,and be sure that safari is installed on your PC/Mac.I used to Google chrome because the sync function is too convenience to use (But many people don’t like it)
以下是分別來自三款瀏覽器的畫質,有圖有真相,左上是Chrome,左下是firefox,右邊是Safari,測試平台是在Moutain Lion上
the picture below show the keynote film cut from 3 different browers,the top-left is chrome,the bottom-left is firefox and the right one is safari
P.S 也許我傳上的畫質有壓縮過,但真實畫質(safari)是真的還不錯
P.S the resolution may be comprised by online album,but the real resolution on safari is quite good
chrome firefox safari
沒有完全看完 但是看到一個 as an article?